4-0-2 Coaching Company

Products and Services

Coach Sesi is the executive lead Coach of 4-0-2 Coaching Company, which deploys various integrative coaching interventions via multiple expressions.  

4-0-2 Coaching Company helps Industry leaders, teams within organizations, and individuals improve their culture of Emotional Wellness and Well-being

We deploy techniques such as Emotional Freedom Techniques, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Attachment Styles Theory. 

With experience drawn from almost two (2) decades in different capacities and across diverse industries, we have successfully helped individuals and organizations meet their needs, attain peak performance, and create a psychologically fit environment to excel. 

Our goal is to help organizations create a psychologically fit environment for teams and executives, by offering a series of training that produces Emotionally Well and Mentally fit employees. 

We deliver group coaching programs that help staff deal with stress and burnout on a psychological and psychological level, making them healthy and fit to align their goals and values with the organization. 

Our 1-on-1 coaching package for executives and individuals helps in addressing leadership barriers affecting them in creating a healthy and well-balanced culture of employee Emotional Wellness and mental well-being. 

We deploy an adaptive approach with our clients, ensuring full engagement, cooperation, and collaboration to achieve agreed objectives. 

Excellent customer service is key to how we add value and build networks of satisfied clients. 

One common indicator of the psychology of client satisfaction is the attainment of: 

I. Bliss 

II. Desired outcome and more. 

This is an art we have mastered over time, deploy, and teach our clients.  

One to One Integrative Coaching

The Emotional Wellness and Tranquility Package: 

This package helps resolve emotional stress, fatigue, burnout, trauma, grief, and discomfort caused by emotional pain. 

It also helps with dealing with loss, teaches the art of letting go, and addresses disappointment. 

You will understand your BEHAVIORS and PATTERNS regarding all types of relationships and how to resolve them. 

It helps to navigate difficult emotional challenges like going through a divorce, understanding one’s own emotional state in relationships, work, family, and health, and how to reach their desired peak of well-being mentally and spiritually. 

Experience the Tranquility Package 1-to-1 Coaching 

Group Coaching

The Employee Wellness Program (Group Coaching): 

The Employee wellness program is tailored to help either Teams or Executives adopt a working culture that supports the sustenance of their emotional wellness and well-being. 

II. The Blueprint and Life Mapping strategy (Group Coaching): 

The blueprint and mapping strategy experience is a life mapping and design experience, where individuals are given the right tools to help them design the life they desire 

The Wellness Hub Africa Community

The Wellness Hub Africa Community is a private community of self-healers committed and dedicated to creating a lasting transformation of experiencing bliss, balance, harmony peace, and tranquillity in their emotional state of being



As emotional beings, we tend to live our lives mainly governed by the emotions we receive from others, generate, cultivate, or exude.

The WHA community allows you intentionally cultivate your own emotions in such a way that it flows in rhythm with who you truly are; The Authentic Infinite potential being.

The WHA Community allows you earn and practicalize your knowledge about personal growth and improvement development thereby liberating you from the vicious  cycle of encountering the same disempowering patterns over and over again  

We strongly believe that even though, you are your own best healer, Emotional Wellness is a lifelong journey and does not have to have journeyed alone,   


What You will get:

-A safe space Virtual community that is private yet allows you connect with other self healers.

-Awaken your mind for wellness as you utilize your access to our customized rich content library filled with unending podcasts, books, and resources.

-Masterclasses each month to help deepen and broaden your experience in the emotional wellness journey.  

-Monthly group coaching calls to earn practical ways to emotional fitness; relieve stress and anxiety.

-Emotional detox clinic which would be held monthly.  

-Live monthly Q&A Sessions with Coach Sesi and other seasoned Emotional Wellness coaches.

-A monthly physical hangout that would incorporate recreational activities and rest to simply improve the state of emotional well-being.  Ranging from Sip and Paint: Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Dance Therapy, and a whole lot more

-Access to Audio Guided Meditation Library.

-Monthly addition of new audio resources. 

-Access to a library of selected books and resources to help guide your emotional wellness journey.

-Themed monthly learnings and activities that deepen the practice of emotional wellness.

-Find and accountability Partner.

-Accountability Check-ins.

-Bonuses and Giveaways